Fire Strikes Fast, So Should You.
KeepYour Extunguisher Close
With Incognitoes!
Fire extinguishers are often kept out of sight, and therefore out of reach. The average fire extinguisher can be heavy, cumbersome, and confusing to operate- especially during a high-stress situation like a kitchen fire.
That’s why we created a more convenient, compact, and attractive solution to fire safety. With Incognitoes, your fire extinguisher can be kept within arms reach without sacrificing appearance or space.
Endorsed by Houston Professional Firefighter Association Local 341.

Watch Incognitoes in action!
Incognitoes (youtube.com)
Incognitoes: Fire safety with a pretty twist (youtube.com)

According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are an average of 354,400 home fires annually in the United States. These fires result in billions of dollars worth of damage and thousands of lives lost.
To prevent such catastrophic events from happening, it is important for every home to have a fire extinguisher. These devices are designed to quickly and effectively put out small fires before they can spread and cause extensive damage.
At Incognitoes, we understand the importance of having a fire extinguisher in every home. We also recognize that fire extinguishers are not the prettiest objects to have out on display. That's why we have created a line of decorative indoor and outdoor fire extinguisher covers.
Our covers are designed to camouflage your fire extinguisher so it blends in with your decor, while still making it easily accessible in case of an emergency. With various designs and colors to choose from, you can find the perfect cover that matches your home's decor.
Incognitoes is proud to be endorsed by the Houston Professional Firefighter Association Local 341 Chapter.

At Incognitoes, we are dedicated to keeping your home safe and stylish. Our decorative and in-home fire extinguisher covers are just one of the ways we aim to achieve this goal.
We understand that fire safety is not something that should be taken lightly, but it doesn't have to be an eyesore in your home. That's why our covers are designed to seamlessly blend in with your home decor while still providing easy access to your fire extinguisher.
In addition to our covers, we also offer fire suppressants that are specifically designed for use in the home. These non-toxic and environmentally friendly suppressants can put out a variety of household fires quickly and effectively.

Trust in Incognitoes
When it comes to fire safety, you want a company you can trust. At Incognitoes, we take pride in providing high-quality products that not only work well but also look great.
Our team is constantly researching and innovating new ways to improve home fire safety without compromising on style. We also offer exceptional customer service and support to ensure that our customers are satisfied every step of the way.
Contact us today to learn more about our decorative and in-home fire extinguisher covers, as well as our other fire safety products. Don't let the fear of a home fire control your life – let Incognitoes help you protect your home!